Welcome Note

For family members submitting recipes: please double and triple check to make sure you've got all amounts correct and all the necessary ingredients in your recipes. Fill in the label box only with MAJOR ingredients for easier searching (salt and pepper really are not necessary) as well as if the recipe is a main dish, side dish, soup, salad, bread, and/or dessert. Pictures are awesome but not necessary if unavailable.

For random readers from across the world who happen upon this little blog: welcome and we hope you enjoy the recipes from our family's kitchens!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Chocolate Gut Busters

Kathryn Monson says: This is a recipe from my mom (Marilyn Leale). I think the first time I ever tasted it was when we went to Palmyra and she made it there. She did not like to say the name, but it sure was good.

Mix the following and spread in a 9"x12" pan. Bake at 350º for 15 minutes. Let cool.

1 c flour
1 package butterbuds (mixed - makes 1/2 c)
1/2 c chopped nuts

Beat the following. Fold in 1 1/2 c low-fat Cool Whip. Spread over crust.

1 c powdered sugar
8-oz package of cream cheese

Beat the following until thick. Spread on top.
1 small package of chocolate instant pudding
1 small package of vanilla instant pudding
3 c skim milk

Top with remaining Cool Whip. Sprinkle with nuts or chocolate curls or nothing at all. Refrigerate or freeze until pudding sets.

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