Welcome Note

For family members submitting recipes: please double and triple check to make sure you've got all amounts correct and all the necessary ingredients in your recipes. Fill in the label box only with MAJOR ingredients for easier searching (salt and pepper really are not necessary) as well as if the recipe is a main dish, side dish, soup, salad, bread, and/or dessert. Pictures are awesome but not necessary if unavailable.

For random readers from across the world who happen upon this little blog: welcome and we hope you enjoy the recipes from our family's kitchens!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Cherry Cherry Yum Yum

I loved this as a kid.. I still remember one day when we were going to a picnic in Canyon Glen with all sorts of good food -- and a freshly made Cherry Cherry Yum Yum. Well someone (probably me) was supposed to hold on tight, but there was a quick stop and the glass casserole dish went sliding away -- all over the van. Oops.

Mom has confirmed this -- the van and we kids were covered with hot dessert so we turned around and went home. That was that!

Here's the recipe:

Spread 2 cans cherry pie filling at the bottom of a 9" x 13" pan. Mix a box of yellow cake mix with a melted cube of butter.

Bake at 350º for 30 minutes. Serve with whipped cream or ice cream.

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